I am a little behind but I wanted to update the blog because it been so long - almost a year! And Ive always promised to keep it somewhat up to date.
Philip celebrated his 3rd Transplant Anniversary this year and has been doing great! The year was pretty uneventful and he managed to stay out of the hospital and avoid any major illnesses at school. I am still knocking on wood that it continues to be that way going forward.
He was chosen to be the Liver Champion at this past years Liver Life Walk, so that was really exciting. He went on his Make-A-Wish trip to Legoland California, which was absolutely incredible!
He got to sleep in a lego hotel, go to Legoland and create his "mini" self and put it anywhere in mini land. He chose right next to the fire engine in New York City. He also got to go to the Zoo and the Safari Park. So amazing.
He turned 6 this year too. He played baseball and will play football this fall. As scared as I am for him all the time, I try to let him live life to the fullest and try new adventures every chance we get.
He even tried indoor skydiving! It was a little hard for him and his brother to do and they really couldn't do it but I hope they will try again when they get older.
He will start first grade next week at a new school and I am excited for him to meet some new friends and start a new adventure literally in our backyard! lol
He will receive some services like Occupational and Physical Therapy through school. I am not certain he needs the services as a direct result of the transplant but I can speculate that his fine motor skills may haven't had the chance to develop as strongly as others because that was around the age when he was in the hospital so often and generally had IV's in his hands and arms compromising him being able to use those fine motor skills. And being that he has had three major abdominal surgeries, his ab muscles are surely compromised and have affected him having a strong core. But that is what is great about CSE services and I am sure he will improve and be on track in no time.
Thank you to everyone who continues to pray for his continued health!
Here's to another great year! Lets hope I don't have any updates til his next Anniversary!