So Tuesday, I miralaxed him up and battened down the hatches and got ready for the shit storm about to hit. (hahaha-I'm a sucker for potty humor).
He did great and only gave us a hard time overnight because he still wakes for his comfort bottle(s) when he wakes up itching.
He also did great at the hospital and because they were running behind he only started to get cranky the last hour really. He kept asking for a snack or a bottle or a cup and saying I want to go home and head for the door. Poor thing. I felt so bad I didn't know what to say to him. Thank God for Child Life at the hospital though. They were very efficient in distracting him long enough to get through that hour even though he would intermittently get up to "go home".
He was pretty agitated by the time they were ready and the anesthesiologist said he could give him something to calm him down before hand but it would take a little longer and they would stay in his system longer as well, or we could just bite the bullet and bring him in crying and the big breaths would help him breath in the anesthesia quicker. Child Life managed to distract him one last time and we walked down to the procedure room with her walking backwards with the i-pad and me holding him.
The anesthesiologist allowed him to pick a flavor for his mask this time and we picked watermelon. So I sat him on the table, and the anesthesiologist showed Philip the mask and had me smell it to show him, then on went the mask and the crying began again. One quick minute and he was sleepy. It always hard to see him go down like that but I try to never let him see me worried about it. I want him to see me smile and kiss him and say see you in a little bit!
Both procedures went well and to our surprise they didn't have to inject any varices again! They are still there but still only Grade 1 which means they are not large enough to be treated. The colonoscopy went well too. He had some irritation and varices and she took biopsies, So we will wait to hear in about a week about that. We were able to see him right away and go home soon after. It's always such a relief when we get to go home right away and he gets to eat and drink normally. This also means we can wait longer between endoscopies now. He won't have to get another one for 6 months.
We also got blood work done and His platelets went up to 91,000 which is good. But his total bilirubin went up to 3.1 and his direct bilirubin went up to 2.6 from 1.9 in June. He's fluctuated in the past but mostly has stayed about the same for the last 6 months. Some other numbers were elevated as well so we will have to see what happens with the next blood work. I guess at some point it will start to trend upward as the disease progresses but I just pray it goes back down and it was just a blip on the radar.
So for now we will savor the feeling that we were able to come home and in his full night of sleep last night; even if it was just one sweet night...