But when I changed his diaper this morning, his stool was black. I wasn't sure, but it was dark enough to cause concern and coupled with the paleness and dark circles he had that morning as well I felt it warranted a call to GI.
The nurse called and said they felt it was a good idea to head to the ER.
When we got to the ER they took us right back into a room and started his work up. They were concerned he was having a bleed from somewhere. When they took his blood it was very thin like water and his heart rate was rapid. He quickly declined and became very lethargic and mushy. His blood pressure was low. He was just out if it. Not himself at all. Scary to think how quickly he deteriorated and what if I didn't listen to my gut. The doctor came in explained that he was in fact having a bleed from somewhere. His hemoglobin was very low at a 6 and before they can do an endoscopy he needs to be fluid and blood resuscitated.
Because there is more of a chance of bleeding going in and looking and if he had an active bleed his current blood doesn't give any room for more bleeding.
So that meant he needed a blood transfusion. My eyes started to well up but I was still alone at that point and didn't want to lose it. He was doing so great I just never saw this coming. Especially not a blood transfusion.
My sister arrived and as they were preparing him for the infusion we both caught sight of something and followed it
At the same time. It was a little tiny feather floating. We looked at each other and I started to bawl. We both felt it was Nana Bunny there saying everything was going to be ok. The nurses probably thought we were crazy as we tried to explain what just happened as I was crying out of nowhere. He also spiked a fever before the transfusion so we are trying to figure the cause of that too. We are in a step down PICU right now. He received 1 unit of blood and will get labs at 1am to see how everything looks and if he needs more. He's also on octreatide to help stop the bleeding and some antibiotics just in case. He can't eat or drink so he is not happy and keeps asking to go home. He even demanded to my sister that she " get me my baba right now". Endoscopy should be tomorrow. Hopefully early so we can get him drinking sooner. He's still spiking a fever and heart rate is high now so we are hoping that goes down too. Please say a little prayer for your friend Philip that this resolves quickly and he can come home soon.
Prayers that all goes well and he gets to go home soon.