Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Signs

Since we started this journey with Philip being diagnosed with Biliary Atresia, there have always been signs along the way,  assuring me that someone was watching over us.
When he was in the hospital with a liver infection, a wing mark appeared on his window...

After my Nana passed away, I felt it even more so. Birds remind me of her, She always loved birds, feeding them out of the back door of the house, even hearing stories from when she worked the bird show at the World's Fair. So when Philip needed the blood transfusion, when a feather appeared out of nowhere, floating in the air, it really hugged my heart to know she was there watching over us.

Then yesterday morning, I wasn't too surprised that while me and Dan were talking about waiting to hear about him being a match that we saw two Cardinals sitting outside our house in a tree in the front yard.

There's a saying that Cardinals appear when angels are near. They are also known to symbolize health, hope, rejuvenation, celebration and joy.
So it seems they had a double meaning as it looks like Dan is a MATCH!!!
They calculated and they would only need to take 13% of Dans Liver to give to Philip.
Dan just has to be cleared by cardiology, which he has an appointment tomorrow and Philip has a CT scan next Monday. Then just have to tie up some loose ends and hopefully we can schedule the transplant sometime soon.
In the meantime, I'll keep looking for the signs!

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