It's starting to feel like that movie Groundhog Day over here.
Tuesday, Philip had to have another Endoscopy done to see if there were any more varices in his esophagus.
So the Friday before I had to take him for blood work, then Monday for Pre-Op testing because his procedure needs to be done in the Operating Room because of the risk of bleeding I guess.
So again, no food, but this time we got to wait in the ambulatory surgical waiting area so he was able to play with toys and walk around so he wasn't as irritable. Just the last half hour before.
I carried him to the OR and stayed till they put him to sleep. He wasn't happy when they tried to put the mask on and fought it so I put my face close to his to talk to him and give him a kiss. The nurse then said "don't breath in too deep Mom, we don't want you to sleep as well!." LOL Oops.
It went well but they did have to treat another varix, so that meant a stay overnight.
When the varices are treated(collapsed), the blood looks for another path and in turn can cause more pressure and others to pop up. So they need to check every two weeks until they do not find any more.
The point I guess is to treat the varices before one can rupture and cause bleeding again.
They were slow with discharges, so we were stuck in recovery for about 4 hours. He was able to drink pedialyte that night and boy did he take advantage of that! The nurses were laughing and saying we should put a keg of it in his room or give him one of those silly beer hats with the straw tapped into the pedialyte.
His belly was a little more distended than usual but I think it was from gas and all that pedialyte. He also had some blood in his stool so they checked his blood work to see if all was good, which it was. We were able to come home the follwing day.
We will now repeat this process in two weeks...
And every two weeks after that if more are found.
A lot has been going on lately and I'm finding it harder and harder to keep things in order and in place. So many appointments, medicines, people to call, questions to ask, my head is spinning. I feel bad because I feel like I cant give 100% to anything. I used to be one of the most reliable people at work but feel like a flake lately, coming and going unpredictably. And when I am there I am on the phone constantly with doctors or the insurance company. I've been very fortunate that my boss has been very understanding and allows me to come and go when needed.
And forget housework. Thank goodness Dan does most of it because we would all be wearing dirty clothes and mismatched socks if it weren't for him keeping on top of the laundry. The kitchen table is forever piled high with mail to sort through and I can never find my keys or phone. But to be honest, when I get home I'd rather lay on the floor and play with the kids or put the TV on after they fall asleep and binge watch Breaking Bad and I really don't feel guilty about it. LOL We like to say our house is "lived" in. So I'll keep tripping over some toys, searching for my keys and praying no one pops by for a surprise visit. I'll get to all that stuff eventually.
So if you can, please pray and think good thoughts that they don't find anymore varices the next time we go so Philip can take a break from this stuff for a bit and just enjoy being a curious 1 year old.