May 10, 2016. A day that we waited for anxiously, nervously, and feared came and went as fast as you can say transplant.
Me and Philip headed in to the hospital on Monday night to get settled in and have blood work drawn and make sure all was set for the next morning. Philip made himself right at home but he kept saying I want something. When Dr. Chu(his hepatologist) came in, she heard him say that so both she and I asked him what he wanted and he decided on a muffin. A blueberry and chocolate chip to be exact. I told him I couldn't promise I could find one so Dr. Chu said she would ask the kitchen. Five minutes later she came back in the room with a box of muffins from Dunkin Donuts! It made his night!
We were escorted early the next morning to a holding area where we met up with Dan. It's hard to explain the depth of emotions and anxiety that were going on. Philip fell asleep so he was the only one who was relaxed! There were tons of people asking different questions and saying how amazing what Dan was doing. So we would get very emotional and start crying, pull it together, then Someone else would start saying all these wonderful things and we'd lose it again.
Then, before I knew it, with two swift kisses, both were being wheeled off into the unknown.
Dan's coordinator came out a short while later around 8:30 to say they were both sleeping and that Dan had two requests right before he went under for when it was over..."warm food and back rubs".
Ok, I'll give you "warm" food not "hot"! We were laughing so hard at that. And before I knew it she texted at 11:30 saying Dans piece was almost out! Then around 12, she came out and said Dan would be done in a half hour and they were ready to take Philip's liver out.
1:30 came and his surgeon came out to say everything went well during surgery and we would likely be able to see Dan in about 2 hours.
So I ran up to see Dan who looked good. And wouldn't you know, Philips surgeon came while I was up. I missed him by two minutes! He spoke with my sister and said everything went well. His liver was functioning, and he didn't need any blood products. He said it was great timing and that his liver was pretty cirrhotic. And it was going to happen sooner or later and better to do it now while he was fairly healthy and before he went over a cliff so to speak. My sister started crying so I was like why are you crying??!! Then 5 minutes later, it hit me and I was sobbing with my head in my hands in the middle of the waiting room. So much tension released at that minute. I ended up having a headache for three days straight due to all the emotions that day I believe.
Then it was time to see him. This was a huge fear of mine! We spoke about how he would look very puffy like a Michelin baby and have the breathing tube so I walked down the hall with clenched teeth waiting to see my puffy baby and as I turned into the room, I saw my sweet sleeping boy and he looked so good. I couldn't believe it. I yelled out "He looks so good!" He wasn't very puffy, he looked healthy, just asleep with a lot of wires hanging off of him. He was still intubated so it was really just sitting and watching him that night and the next day they started to wean him off the sedation so they could take the breathing tube out.
Which they did around 5:45 on Wednesday night. The first word out of his mouth was scwatch, then I want my baba in a little groggy tiny voice. My heart sank instantly. Isn't this part of the reason we did the surgery to stop the itching and that's what he says first??!! So the itching was not only not gone but it got worse as the night went on. He was scratching like crazy!! I fell asleep for a few minutes and woke up to two nurses scuffling in the room and him crying so I put my glasses on to see him looking at me and he is covered in blood. All over his face and hair like the movie Carrie! I jumped up and they said he's fine mom he just pulled out his "A" line which is a catheter inserted into an artery so they could monitor blood pressure in real time during surgery and then draw blood after.
So they had to bathe him, change bedding and all of his dressings because he was a mess. I'm surprised my reaction wasn't a little stronger but I had a feeling he would pull something important out even before surgery. So I felt I had to sit up and stare at him the whole night to make sure he didn't get to his central line which was in his neck. The nurse found these cute little mittens or more like boxing gloves for him to wear so he wouldn't get anything else.
The next day he got to drink water and then eat some jello. His nurse Glynda was amazing. She was so wonderful with him. He didn't like her but she would get him out of bed, go for a ride in the stroller, clean him up, and make him walk.
Over the weekend he started perking up a bit here and there, eating more and being himself. Mostly he wants constant attention and is very demanding! Lol
Dan was finally feeling well enough to visit the next day. He had a lot of pain and got tired really fast so it was a quick visit.
By Friday he was allowed to eat, went for a long walk and even got to have a lollipop! And we were moved to a regular floor.
Everyone keeps saying he looks so good and did this kid even have anything done?! And wouldn't you know his itching has basically disappeared! I haven't heard the word scwatch in 3 days! I'm still crossing my fingers it stays like this!!
Danny came to visit today and that was awesome. He was very nervous at first and didn't want to come in the room because he had to wear a mask to come in. So he hung out in the hall for a little bit then he slowly became comfortable and was talking to Philip. It was so nice to get a huge hug from him.
Unfortunately both Dan and Philip had some jumps in some liver numbers so Dan was not allowed to be discharged today. Philip had to get an ultrasound to to rule out vascular issues and that was found to be ok. We are just waiting to hear word on both so please keep saying some prayers for us. I really need them right now to keep me strong for both my boys.
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