Saturday, July 9, 2016


It never fails that when I post how good things are going, it is usually followed by a little health blip and yesterday proved no different. LOL I just have to laugh it off. We had Our first post transplant blip since we've been home
Philip developed a fever yesterday that landed us in the hospital.
Because he is so close to transplant he needs to be monitored closely for infections. Mt. Sinai agreed we could head to Cohen's Children's Hospital instead of the city to get checked out and if need be we could transfer. It's been a while since we've been here but since we've spent so much time here over the last almost 3 years, it almost felt like coming to our 2nd home. LOL
All of Philips blood work in regards to his liver look good. We are waiting for blood cultures to come back and some viral swabs so we are stuck here for a couple of days at least. He's been putting his fingers in his mouth a lot so someone mentioned maybe it's coxackie. Either way we're just hanging out here for the time being. I just pray he can fight whatever is brewing in him and we can move forward again. He's in good spirits but wants to go home! Poor bub's been through so much.
Couldn't forget to bring the crew!
Still has a thing for muffins! 

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