Wednesday, August 10, 2016

3 Months

Its hard to believe it has been 3 Months already!! Dan has been medically cleared to go back to work and of all restrictions. Philip continues to thrive and get stronger every day and his blood work remains stable. He always had a little trouble with stairs but now is a lot more confident and strong and starting to not hold on anymore. He loves to jump and climb on all of my furniture and likes to raise his eyebrows really quick if he's excited about something and says "Look, I have crazy eyebrows!" He is potty training now which is the pits. I really hate potty training. Just when you think they got it, they run up to you saying they have to go potty but already have poo dripping down their leg and a trail through the whole house. Yeah, it's my least favorite parenting duty.
He has been weaned off several of his medications and now is only on Prograf, prednisone, pepcid and asprin. They just took him off one of his anti-rejection medicines called Cellcept so he needs bloodwork in a week to make sure his body is handling it well and if all is good we can wait three weeks to repeat. I remember coming home from the hospital feeling overwhelmed with all of the medication saying how the heck am I going to do this?!! And here we are just 12 weeks later with only 4 meds. We now get to spread our trips to his transplant doctors to every month. I really love his doctor. She remembered he loved his muffins, so for his birthday on this last visit she had muffins waiting for him. He was so excited.
I am enjoying watching Philip get to enjoy his summer and have his visits and blood work get spread out but at the same time I feel the worries in my head start to push into the foreground a little more. I mean he looks and acts great but the proof is in the bloodwork and to have to wait it out gives me anxiety. I just have to have faith in the fact that I know what to look for and can read him easily and if something were going on I could probably notice early enough. I am loving our new normal and hope we can keep it for a long time!

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