Thursday, January 26, 2017

What a Day!

OK so I have to start by saying, seriously this shit actually happens to us. I really am not lying. You wouldn't believe the day I had. I drove to city this morning with my Dad and Philip started screaming half way there of leg pain. There wasn't anything I could do so, we drove for half hour of him screaming in pain. We get there, he gets out of car and is a new kid. Walking fine, no complaints. So we do bloodwork, then run into pharmacy down block to get tylenol to help with leg pain, and of course he has to go to the bathroom but they won't let us use it. Se we had to walk back to hospital for bathroom. Gave him tylenol and the ride home was pretty good but again starts complaining the last few minutes of leg pain. Get to my Mom's and again seems fine when we get out of car. I leave him at mom's for a bit to run errands and she texts me that he's complaining of belly pain and gagging. So I drove right over and he's itching and scratching all over, blotchy and crying in pain and pointing to his chest bone and stomach. I call hematologist and she said it's most likely bone pain from the neupogen shots. No more shots till Monday when they recheck blood. I then call liver team and liver numbers still creeped up a little bit too. Bump up Prograf and hopefully Monday they will go back down with labs. Then my mom starts talking about what he ate  and said he had a bite of a Reese's peanut butter cup. So now I start thinking, itching, belly pain, gagging. He's never had peanut butter before! Hurry up, give benadryl right away, drive to pediatrician. When we get there, they ask if his throat hurts and he said yes, so that with belly pain, they swab for strep throat and whamo strep throat! 
And yup its an allergic reaction to peanuts.
WTF! Why can't this kid catch a break!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your faith will make you stronger. Nothing last forever.
